Formedium 3-Amino-1, 2, 4-Triazole, 3-AT - 25 gram ¥762.00
Formedium 3-Amino-1, 2, 4-Triazole, 3-AT - 100 gram ¥1051.00
Formedium 5-Aminolevulinic acid HCl - 1 gram ¥1261.00
Formedium 5-Aminolevulinic acid HCl - 5 gram ¥3098.00
Formedium 5-Aminolevulinic acid HCl - 10 gram ¥4359.00
Formedium 5-Aminolevulinic Acid HCl - 100g ¥33989.00
Formedium 5-Fluoro Orotic Acid - 1 gram ¥916.00
Formedium 5-Fluoro Orotic Acid - 5 gram ¥1720.00
Formedium Antibiotic Medium 3 ¥1217.00
Formedium Acid and Alkali Spill Kit - 2 x 3Kgs ¥3649.00
Formedium Acid and Alkali Spill Kit - 2 x 800grams ¥1365.00
Formedium Acid Spill Neutralising Granules - 3Kgs ¥1733.00
Formedium Acid Spill Neutralising Granules - 800 gram ¥683.00
Formedium Agar - 250 gram ¥862.00
Formedium Agar - 500 gram ¥1082.00
Formedium Agar - 1000 gram ¥2529.00
Formedium Agar - 6 X 1000 gram ¥6881.00
Formedium Bacteriological Agar - 1kg ¥1531.00
Formedium Agar Granulated, Bacteriological grade - 250 gram ¥916.00
Formedium Agar Granulated, Bacteriological grade - 500 gram ¥1179.00
Formedium Agar Granulated, Bacteriological grade - 1000 gram ¥2675.00
Formedium Agar Granulated, Bacteriological grade - 6 x 1 kg ¥7531.00
Formedium AIM-2YT Broth base w/o Trace elements - 100 gram ¥686.00
Formedium AIM-2YT Broth base w/o Trace elements - 500 gram ¥1053.00
Formedium AIM-2YT Broth base w/o Trace elements - 1000 gram ¥2373.00
Formedium AIM-2YT Broth base w/o Trace elements - 6 x 1000 gram ¥5891.00
Formedium AIM-2YT Broth base including Trace elements - 100 gram ¥694.00
Formedium AIM-2YT Broth base including Trace elements - 500 gram ¥1073.00
Formedium AIM-2YT Broth base including Trace elements - 1000 gram ¥2408.00
Formedium AIM-2YT Broth base including Trace elements - 6 x 1000 gram ¥6079.00
Formedium AIM-LB Broth base w/o Trace elements - 100 gram ¥686.00
Formedium AIM-LB Broth base w/o Trace elements - 500 gram ¥1053.00
Formedium AIM-LB Broth base w/o Trace elements - 1000 gram ¥2373.00
Formedium AIM-LB Broth base w/o Trace Elements - 10kg ¥7173.00
Formedium AIM-LB Broth base w/o Trace elements - 6 x 1000 gram ¥5891.00
Formedium AIM-LB Broth base including Trace elements - 100 gram ¥694.00
Formedium AIM-LB Broth base including Trace elements - 500 gram ¥1073.00
Formedium AIM-LB Broth base including Trace elements - 1000 gram ¥2408.00
Formedium AIM-LB Broth base including Trace elements - 6 x 1000 gram ¥6079.00
Formedium AIM-LB Broth base including Trace Elements-10L pack (348.5g) ¥1938.00
Formedium AIM-LB Broth base including Trace elements-1L pack (34.8g) ¥1642.00
Formedium AIM-LB Broth base including Trace elements-2L pack (69.7g) ¥1660.00
Formedium AIM LB-Broth base including Trace elements-5L pack (174.3g) ¥1764.00
Formedium AIM-Super Broth base w/o Trace elements - 100 gram ¥686.00
Formedium AIM-Super Broth base w/o Trace elements - 500 gram ¥1053.00
Formedium AIM-Super Broth base w/o Trace elements - 1000 gram ¥2373.00
Formedium AIM-Super Broth base w/o Trace elements - 6000 gram ¥5850.00
Formedium AIM-Super Broth base including Trace elements - 100 gram ¥694.00
Formedium AIM-Super Broth base including Trace elements - 500 gram ¥1073.00
Formedium AIM-Super Broth base including Trace elements - 1000 gram ¥2408.00