Pyrophosphatase, rec., GMP Grade, AOF

英文名:Pyrophosphatase, rec., GMP Grade, AOF


规格:20 mL


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 Pyrophosphatase improves the yield of in vitro mRNA synthesis.

Use the enzyme in the synthesis of mRNA for therapeutics or vaccines. It is designed to meet specific needs of the pharmaceutical industry (fit-for-purpose):
animal-origin-free (AOF)
free of antibiotics
extended testing for impurities
manufactured under GMP
supplied with supplementary documents for regulatory submissions.
Pyrophosphatase hydrolyzes inorganic pyrophosphate that is generated during in vitro transcription reactions. By removing the unwanted pyrophosphate, the reaction equilibrium shifts to the product side increasing mRNA yield. The enzyme is part of every preparative mRNA synthesis from lab-scale to industrial scale, for example in the synthesis of COVID-19 vaccines.
Pyrophosphatase is expressed with an N-terminal His-Tag.
EC Number:
Molecular weight: 34 kD
Cofactor requirement: Mg2+ for hydrolysis activity
Appearance: Clear, colorless to slightly yellowish solution
Volume activity: ≥ 600 U/mL
Unit definition: One unit of the Pyrophosphatase catalyzes the hydrolysis of 1 µmol inorganic pyrophosphate in 1 min at 25°C.
Protein (abs. 280nm): 1.8-2.2 mg/mL
Purity (SDS-PAGE): ≥ 95 %
Unspecific endonucleases (up to 300 ng enzyme using MWM III-DNA; 16 h/37°C): Not detectable
Nicking activity (up to 300 ng enzyme using pBR 322-DNA) 16 h/37°C): Not detectable
RNase activity (up to 300 ng enzyme using MS II-RNA; 1 h/37°C): Not detectable
Proteases (50 μg/15 min/37°C): Not detectable
Exonucleases (using 1 μg): Not detectable
Endotoxins: ≤ 10 EU/mL
Bioburden: ≤ 10 CFU/mL
E. coli host cell DNA: ≤ 100 pg/mg Protein
E. coli host cell protein: ≤ 50 ppm
Heavy metals (Ni, Co, V): ≤ 10 ppm
Stability: At -15 to -25°C within specification range for 36 months from date of manufacture.
Regulatory Disclaimer
For further processing only.