DNase I, rec., GMP Grade, AOF


规格:320 mL


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DNase I is an essential enzyme for efficient digestion of DNA during RNA purification.
Achieve reliable results with pure, undegraded and stable RNA. Rely on the highly purified and rigorously tested product that excludes RNase activity ensuring high yield and quality of your RNA.
animal-origin-free (AOF)
free of antibiotics
extended testing for impurities
manufactured under GMP
supplied with supplementary documents for regulatory submissions.
DNase I is a DNA-specific endonuclease that hydrolyzes the phosphodiester linkages of double- and single-stranded DNA to a mixture of mono- and oligonucleotides. In mRNA in vitro synthesis applications, it helps purify the mRNA by digesting the DNA impurities in the reaction mix. In other molecular diagnostics applications, DNase I can be used to prepare genomic DNA-free RNA templates for RT-PCR.
Appearance: Colorless to slightly yellowish, solution
Volume activity (calf thymus DNA): 12-16 kU/mL (Kunitz)
Identity: Confirmed
Unit Definition: One unit according to Kunitz is the amount of enzyme required to hydrolyze the calf thymus DNA at 25°C and pH 5.0 to produce an increase of 0.001/min extinction coefficient at 260 nm under the test conditions.
Protein (abs. 280 nm): ≥ 1.0 mg/mL
Purity (SDS-PAGE): ≥ 95 %
Proteases (up to 50 U resorufin-marked casein after 17 h; 37°C): Not detectable
Ribonucleases (up to 10 U with MS II RNA/4 h / 37°C): Not detectable
Endotoxins: < 5 EU/mL
Bioburden: < 5 CFU/mL
Host cell protein: ≤ 100 ppm
Heavy metals (Ni, Co, V): ≤ 10 ppm
Stability: At -15 to -25°C within specification range for 18 months.
Regulatory Disclaimer
For further processing into medical devices, IVD and pharmaceutical products only.
License Disclaimer / Warranty Limitation
Warranty Limitation
It is the sole responsibility of the customer to determine the suitability of all raw materials, products and components in order to ensure that the final end-use product is safe for its end use; performs or functions as intended; and complies with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements. Roche makes no representations or warranties of any kind regarding the Product, express or implied, other than those expressly set forth in the terms and conditions of sale (if any), and disclaims all implied or statutory warranties including warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.